Olen oma klaveri mänguga taas ellu ärganud, seda siis tänu Eurovisioonile ning vaikselt pusin ja võtan ette poolfinaliste, keda coverdada. Sel aastal otsustasin, et teen ainult laule, mis mulle tõesti meeldivad. Eelmisel aastal oli ilmselt aega liiga palju, sest kuigi tegin ka siis laule, mis minu jaoks tundusid okeid, siis sel aastal teen tõesti ainult suuremaid lemmikuid. Tänases postituses (ülevalt-alla) tutvustan teile Belgia, Šveitsi ja Hollandi osalejaid klaveril. Kusjuures Holland tundub olema ka suurfavoriit (ja mulle meeldib ka!) Järgnevad Aserbaidžaani ja Malta laulud. Kusjuures viimane oli parasjagu peavalu ka – ta oli teistest lauludest keerukam ja ma salvestasin seda vist umbes kakskümmend korda. Igatahes, head kuulamist ja vaatamist!
I’m an Eurovision fan from the Czech Republic. 🙂 I love Malta’s and Switzerland’s songs and I love playing to piano. I want to play them, so I was searching notes for this songs on web, but I didn’t find it. 🙁 And then I found your super covers. I tried to play it from your video on my mobile, but it’s quite difficult.
So I want to ask you, if you can do notes for piano? It would be amazing! And I translated some text from this web, you are from Estonia? 🙂 I love this year’s Estonia’s song too. And Germany’s too. Do you like our song Friend of a friend? So have a nice Sunday.
Thanks for answer. 🙂 Michaela 🇨🇿
Hello Michaela,
Thank you for your comments and support! Yes, I’m from Estonia and it’s nice to hear that you like our song. I think “Friend of a friend” is also catchy song 😛
I’m sorry to tell, but I don’t have notes, because I play only by ear 🙁
I hope you find help from somewhere else.
Have a nice day!
Oh, it’s ok 🙂 You are soo good, that you don’t need notes! I wish I could play by ear too, so maybe someday.. 😀
Have a nice day 🙂